Thursday, August 07, 2008

If I won the lottery......

Blogging is not the only thing I took a break from. Last night was the first time I had been swimming in about 10 months! Aghhhhh!

My work schedule changed (my pool membership is only for the evening so I can't go in the day time, even if I do have free time), winter came, work was busy, and most of all - I was LAZY!

I think exercise is something you have to continue. I love swimming but it is hard to go if I don't make it a habit. Last autumn I was going 3 times a week and swimming 2km on two days and 1km one day. Last night I could barely make 1km and by the end of 40 minutes, my body had nothing left to give. My style in the last 200m was pretty bad!

If I won the lottery I would drill for a hot spring and make my own indoor warm water pool. I have never tried an "onsen" pool but I think it would be nice to swim in warm spring water with lots of minerals. Maybe I wouldn't have to use chlorine???? And I could go swimming every day, whenever I felt like it.

Hmm, I should go buy a lottery ticket!

New style blog

Here I am again after a break of almost ONE YEAR from blogging.

What happened? Well honestly speaking, I lost motivation to write. I was using the computer so much for work that I couldn't find the energy to write for fun.

I'm going to start up the blog again and change the content a little. PLEASE write some comments - then I will know that I have an audience of interested readers :)