Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Rustling in the grass

On Monday morning I was watering my flowers when I heard something rustling in the grass. "カサカサ"

At first I saw a small lizard as it ran away. Next there was a louder sound  カサカサ.....

It was a young snake! Not a baby from this year, but maybe one born last year because it was only about 50cm long. It was a lovely color with chocolate brown spots. Just recently I had been saying to my husband that I hoped to find a baby snake. (Baby ones are very cute.)

I'm sorry, I couldn't take a picture because I didn't have my camera and it was very shy and slithered away quickly. I copied a picture from another person's blog, so please visit that page and look at it. 

It was an "aodaishou" NOT a viper! Vipers have triangular heads and flatter bodies. My snake was long and thin with a very slender head and was very shy. In English they are called "Japanese Rat Snakes". They live here and there in Tsukuba. You can probably find them in Doho Park or in the land around your institute, or surely in the university grounds. It is nice that these green spaces are like mini-wildlife parks and protect the native creatures.

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Nice biscuits

On the weekend I went to Tsukuba Bagel and found that they are selling a new item - biscuits :)

I tried two types and they were really good. Especially the raisin ones were delicious. You should try them.

Left - Pumpkin and Raisin
Right - Spinach (sweet)

Map of location of Tsukuba Bagel

Monday, May 16, 2011

New class for young researchers

I'm opening a new class for young researchers (or even older researchers who don't have much confidence!).

Please see below for the details. Feel free to mention this class to your friends and colleagues if you think they might be interested. It is NOT suitable for office staff - in this class the students must make some presentations about their research sometimes.



英語を仕事に使うことのある研究者ですか? 新しいクラスは英語のプレゼンテーションとディスカッションにもっと自信をつけたい方が対象です。

時間:     火曜日の18201920                                  

メンバー  6





レベル: 中低級~中級。若い研究者、英語によるプレゼンテーション経験の多くない方、英語によるプレゼンテーションの自信のない方、英語によるプレゼンテーションスキルを向上させたい方を対象にしています。

お一人様あたり、月に¥7000(1750×4) + ワークシート代 (1,000/半年)       入会金 8,000

Sunday, May 15, 2011

BBQ season has arrived!

Golden Week usually brings good weather, and that means ..... BARBECUE season has arrived! We had one BBQ in the holidays, and then another yesterday. (Just my husband and I.)

I like BBQing food because the method of cooking usually means most foods taste better. Meat surely tastes best when cooked over real charcoal.

Here are the foods I cooked/made for the past two BBQs:

- ethnic lamb kebabs on bamboo skewers
- pork spareribs in honey and soy marinade
- pork steaks in honey and soy marinade
- herbed chicken wings
- tandori chicken

- roasted sliced onions in olive oil
- baked red onion
- baked zucchini
- grilled eggplants
- grilled mushrooms
- grilled fresh pineapple

- fresh pineapple and red onion salad

You can find the recipes on my food blog :)