Saturday, October 14, 2006

Miso ume dressing - ready to eat!

Do you remember on June 10th (please see the archives to the right of this page), I started to make ume miso dressing? Well, last weekend I could finish it.

It takes about 3 months for the green plums to shrivel up (release all of the juice and become smaller). I have been busy so I left the dressing for about 4 months. Last weekend I got it out and checked it. No mold! I was was worried that it would become moldy but it didn't so I was very relieved ....

So I put it in a stainless steel saucepan and simmered it on low heat for about 5 minutes. You have to be very careful to stir it constantly so it doesn't burn. Next I sterilized some jars with hot water and then white liquor. Finally, I poured the hot dressing into the jars. You can see the end results.

That night we could eat ume miso dressing with vegetables. Yum! It is also a wonderful sauce for pork or chicken.

Next year, why don't you try to make some?

Wednesday, October 11, 2006

In the garden

Here are some cute creatures I found in my garden recently:

A frog that was sitting on the top of the washing pole, about 160cm from the ground. I caught it and put it on the grass, but it climbed back up immediately! I was annoyed because I wanted to hang out sheets, but I guess it was annoyed because it was enjoying its sunbath. Finally I left it on the end of the pole and it stayed there all day!

A baby lizard on my husband's hand. Baby ones don't run away and if you put your hand out, they will climb on it. He is really cute, isn't he?

A cricket. There are lots of these and they make a lovely sound at night. I can also hear bell crickets but I haven't been able to find them in the daytime. I love the sound of autumn insects but as it gets colder, the singing gets weaker and soon it will be silent.