Saturday, January 22, 2011

Introducing ..... Dusty and Kuro

A little over a year ago two new members joined my family. Let me introduce Dusty and Kuro.
Dusty is a blue Abyssinian, and Kuro is a black Siberian.

Dusty came first but he was so naughty when he was young that we decided to get him a friend to play with.
"dusty" means "tinged with grey"
 いろがくすんだ, 灰色がかった
Kuro's full name is actually makuro-kurosuke from the small black ball spirits you can see in the Miyazaki movie Totoro.

In English, まっ黒 is "pitch black". When he was a kitten (baby cat) he was totally black, but now he has some brown and dark grey around his neck like a muffler :)

Happy New Year for 2011

Did you have a nice New Year vacation? It is hard to believe that 3 weeks have already passed.

What are your resolutions for 2011? I've resolved to re-start blogging :)

blog is a noun and a verb:
You are reading my blog. (noun)
I am blogging. (verb)

And one more vocabulary point, I think "resolution" has a stronger meaning in English than in Japanese. The word in Japanese is:

抱負 {houfu}
in English, 抱負 = hope, aspire, plan

But in English, "resolution" comes from the verb "resolve" and in Japanese that is 決心する {kesshin}. That is a stronger meaning, isn't it?

So a resolution is something you strongly feel you will do! Do you think I can keep blogging for a full year? Please keep reading and checking my progress.