It was very comfortable because I took a superior "green seat" which are very spacious and I had no-one sitting next to me. Most passengers in that carriage were businessmen. It was very reasonable because I used a package of train and hotel, so the superior seat was less than half price. I was going to try and sleep, but I didn't because I was happy to look at the scenery outside of the window. I could find Mount Fuji hiding behind a cloud, and a very snowy area just after Nagoya.
I've found some curious things about Kyoto:
1. I heard that in the Kansai region people stand on the RIGHT side of the escalators and let people pass on the left. That was true in the main station area, but in the department store and going to the subway, people stood on the LEFT, same as in Kanto!??? Now I'm confused :(
2. Most shop clerks are lovely! They are VERY polite and very carefully give you back your change after you pay. It is nice :)
3. Some Kyoto people do speak with rising intonation - just like I saw on TV. So the end of sentences rises. I thought it sounds good, but not all people do that. I wonder why? Maybe it means some people were born and raised here, and others came from somewhere else ....
4. Kyoto Station is very big and confusing. There are English signs but the station building and how to get to the subway is maybe worse than Tokyo. And I was a bit surprised that people push into the subway carriages quickly. Most Tokyo people wait for the other passengers to get out first. Maybe people are in a hurry because it is Friday night?
Anyway, I am very tired and I think I will go to bed early. I have a big meeting tomorrow so I should be wide awake for that!