Monday, February 26, 2007

Not making excuses

This year one of my resolutions is not to make excuses to myself. After all, if we cannot be honest with ourselves, who can we be honest with?!

I began swimming again last year after a break of 7 years. At first I tried hard but I was really shocked that my level of fitness was so low and that I couldn't swim much at all. Eight years ago I went swimming almost every day and did laps of all strokes -- freestyle, breast-stroke, backstroke and butterfly. Backstroke and butterfly were my favorites, as well as swimming 'dolphin kick' under the water for as long as I could.

Anyway, last year I tried for a while but stopped going to the pool. I made excuses to myself like:
I'm too busy today.
I'm too tired.
The pool will be too busy.
It is too cold.
It is too hot.
My body is too weak.

too, too, too!!!!

This year I decided I have to try harder. After all, what is the worst thing that can happen to me?

This afternoon I was debating about going to the pool. "Hmm, I have to work again from 7pm. I will have to eat dinner really quickly. Oh no, I have a headache from hayfever. Blah, blah, blah!"
But I'm proud to say that I stopped my 'bad voice' and just went to the pool! I had a great time and even tried so hard that now my leg muscles are aching a bit.

It was a strange coincidence but tonight A-san told me a poem that she read on the weekend. I'm really sorry that I forget her translation from Japanese, but it was something like this:

Was it that I couldn't do it?
Or was it that I didn't do it?
I wonder which one is true?

I know for me that almost always the answer is "I didn't do it."

How about you?

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