Tuesday, March 08, 2011

Lost and found

Have you lost anything recently?

Last week I lost my watch. Well, it wasn't lost so much as "stolen" :(  By who? Kuro, I guessed.

I put my watch in either of two places at home, or if I happen to take it off at work, then either on my desk or near my computer. I couldn't find it anywhere, though I hunted about for ages. I even used a powerful flashlight to search under the sofa and in all the nooks and crannies on the floor of my living room. It was nowhere to be found.

Sometimes Kuro likes to try and pull it down from where I put it near my fish tank. I suppose he either likes it shining, or he is just being mischievous. So I thought he'd pulled it down, then hit it about until it slid under something. I REALLY couldn't find it, so then I guessed he'd even picked it up in his mouth and taken it to another room. (You would be surprised what cats do ....)

I finally gave up and bought another one last Friday night. I found a nice one at a reasonable price at a small watch/clock shop on the 3rd floor of Iias Shopping Mall, on the north end. The clerk was friendly and took time to explain the different features of several brands.

As I told him, my original watch was a good one. (I was surprised to see they cost 50,000yen now! I bought mine on sale several years ago for 20,000yen when an electrical shop went out of business.) I don't particularly like the original one, but it is functional. And when I found out how expensive a new one of the same model would be, I was really annoyed at the cats. So as I told the guy, I just needed a basic watch to tide me over until I could find the old one.

You won't believe it, but on Saturday I found it :(  Kuro HAD pulled it off the shelf near the fish tank. But when he did so, it must have fallen into the shopping bag I take to the vegetable store. I'd gone shopping last Sunday, and while I put the veggies away, I'd left the bag on the floor, ready to put it back into the entrance where it normally hangs. When I put the bag back on its hook, I didn't notice it was slightly heavier than usual, but this week when I took it down, I found my watch in the bottom. No wonder I couldn't find it anywhere!

So now I have two watches. (sigh)

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