Friday, March 04, 2011

What do cats do?

What do we do in our free time?

Walk on top of the new TV (until shouted at, then understand it is bad - don't do that again).

Walk along the top of the curtain rail in the living room. 
(Continue to do this, no matter how much Mummy shouts.)

Sit with legs hanging over Daddy's computer.

Mummy gets very angry if we walk all over her keyboard or stand on the laptop and press some buttons. She is VERY angry if we press the "control" button and make strange things happen.

Sit on top of the rail in the bathroom.
(Wait here every night while people are in the bathroom, then suddenly MEOW loudly at them when they come out. Roll around and almost fall off ..... Mummy gets very angry about this.)

Make tunnels under the feather-down quilt .... 

..... or jump on top of the quilt because it is fluffy and it is fun to squash the air out of it.

Guard a toy.

And sleep, 
and eat,
and sleep some more,
and run around crazy,
and sleep ....

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