Here he is about 8am this morning, though he woke me up before 6, as he always does.
Yes, it is the male pheasant I wrote about a few months ago. I see him almost every morning but it is quite difficult to get a picture of him. This morning he was foraging for food on the side of the rice field across from my house. I guess he was about 8m away. Sorry the picture isn't so nice - I had to take it through the fly screen. (I managed to open the glass window without him flying away, but the screen is much noisier.)

Just to explain the pictures:
1. This is him on the bank of the rice field (which is dry soil at the moment). He pecks the ground like a chicken looking for food, but looks around every few seconds. (Maybe he could 'feel' I was spying on him!)
2. I don't know why, but every now and then he puffs out his body, fluffs out his feathers and then calls 'keeen keeen'. Looking for his lady friend???
forage (食糧などを)捜す《 for... 》; 糧食徴発に出る, 捜し回る, あさる《 about, through... 》; 略奪する
fly screen 網戸
startle …をびっくりさせて
speckled 斑点(はんてん) *
mate (動物の)つがいの片方
at intervals 時々, 折々
bank (of river, etc)土手, 堤, 盛り土
peck 〈えさを〉ついばむ《 up 》 ;《略式》〈食べ物を〉たいぎそうに少しずつ食べる
* This translation is more like 'spotted', but 'speckled' is smaller spots and the colors blend together more.
Ohhh, you know pheasants are a delicacy in the culinary world? Mmm, looks tasty, that alarm clock of yours!
Oh no! I'm not inviting you to my house ;)
Seriously, I don't know how anyone could hunt such a beautiful bird ...
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