The rainy season always brings back memories of Kamakura because of the hydrangeas. The blooms are best in North Kamakura - the soil seems to be perfect for them and they are a gorgeous rich violet color. Meigetsuin Temple has so many hydrangeas that it is called 'Ajisai-dera' (Hydrangea Temple). I often took a walk to Ajisaidera and could see countless other beautiful gardens on the way. My own house had hydrangeas too.
Last weekend a TV Tokyo show (Tokyo Admatic Tengoku???) featured Kita-kamakura. It was bittersweet seeing my old neigborhood and the shops I passed every day. I said to my husband that I want to retire in Kita-K.
Tsukuba has its good points and of course Kamakura has its bad points, but I think Kamakura will always be my favorite Japanese town. If only it could have a natural hot spring, then it would truly be perfect!
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