Friday, April 22, 2011


In Japan, the world "battle" is often used for some kind of disagreement with someone.

E.g. My sister and I had a battle.

But in English, "battle" isn't used in that way so often. Here are the common uses:

MAIN USE: one fight in a war 戦い
a bloody battle  血戦
a decisive battle  決戦
the battle field  戦場

ANOTHER USE: struggle against = fight
a battle of wits  知恵くらべ

a battle of words  論戦, 舌戦

fight a losing battle 勝ち目のない戦いをする

a battle/fight for justice  正義のために戦う.
a battle/fight for first place  首位をめざして戦う.

battle/fight against poverty  貧困と戦う
a battle/fight for existence  生存競争
die after a long battle/fight with cancer (sickness)  がんとの長い闘いののち死ぬ

So how about a "battle" with your sister???
My sister and I had a disagreement.
My sister and I quarreled.
My sister and I had a fight.
My sister and I don't see eye to eye about ......

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