I hope to have this type of class sometimes. It is a great chance to meet people from different cultures and learn about their life.
Talking with a Guest Special Class
When: May 4th, Wednesday(in Golden Week)
Where: Lala Garden, Lala Club room
Time: 1:15 – 2:45pm
Cost: 500yen (pay on the day when you enter the room)
Guest: Josephine from Uganda (East Africa )
She is an experienced social worker with who has worked in international organizations like The European Union and the United Nations. She is currently studying at the University of Tsukuba .
Guest’s Topics:
- home country, what it was like growing up there
- culture and language
- job - why did you decide that job, the kind of work you have done
- why you came to Japan and what you think about Japan
- what you hope to do in the future
- hobbies
- family
- pets
- etc
You can ask her any questions you want to, and maybe she will ask you about Japanese culture, etc. {But please don’t ask her very sensitive topics.}
You can come on the day, but if possible, please send me an email to tell me you are coming, or tell me directly.
日時: 5月4日(ゴールデンウィーク)水曜日
場所: Lala Garden, Lala Club room
時間: 午後1:15 – 2:45
費用: 500円 (同じ日の部屋に入る際にお支払い下さい)
ゲスト: Josephine (ウガンダ[東アフリカ]から)
- 母国について、どのように育ったのか
- 文化と言語
- 仕事、なぜその仕事を選んだのか
- なぜ日本に来たのか、日本のことをどう思うか
- 将来は何をしたいか
- 趣味、 家族、 ペット、 他
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