Saturday, June 10, 2006

Back to health

Sorry, I disappeared from my blog for another two weeks! But I am back again, mostly because I am back to health. ("back to health" = return to a healthy body/mind condition).

I wasn't really 'sick' but I had a headache for 10 days straight. Reading made my head ache more and using the computer was horrible. It was all my own fault because the headache was caused by stiff shoulder and back muscles. Sometimes this happens - my shoulders get stiff, my neck gets stiff and then my head begins to ache.

One reason is that I need to exercise more! The other is that I use a computer quite a lot, both at home and at work. Finally, I think I need to check if my pillow is the best shape and height.

I got better after going to a massage clinic in Takezono. It is just down the street from Kasumi and is across from Seven Eleven. After a 20 minute neck massage on Wednesday afternoon I could feel my headache going, then yesterday I had another 30 minute body massage and a 30 minute foot massage. Today all the stiffness AND the headache are completely healed! Yay!!!!

As well as the stiff shoulders, another reason for my ill health was that I wasn't sleeping enough. These days, it gets light about 3:45am and the sun rises just after 4am. My bedroom is really bright so I was waking up after just a few hours of sleep. I know that waking up is really healthy but that means you have to go to bed about 8pm!!! Not possible or practical with a modern lifestyle.

I solved that problem by putting up a navy blue covering over the window. These days I sleep like a log until 6 or 7am.

Many other people told me that they are not feeling so well this season. I think our body takes a while to get used to the changes in weather.

Anyway, take care of yourself!

PS. You can see a BBC story about sleep here -->

disappear - 見えなくなる, 消える, 姿を消す
headache - 頭痛 {one word, noun}
head ache - 頭を痛む {two words, noun + verb}
Reading made my head ache more. - 読書は私の頭をさらに痛くする。
stiff shoulders - 肩がこり
heal - 治す
practical - 実践[実用]に関する,実践上の[に基づいた],実際[実地]の,実際的な

solve a problem - 問題を解く
sleep like a log - ぐっすり眠る

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