Friday, February 18, 2011

What am I reading?

Recently I told you about the fiction books I've been reading on my Kindle, and here is the "regular paper book" I've also been reading for the past several months.

It is quite a heavy topic, and actually a heavy book!!!, so I am keeping it in my office and reading it there when I get time. I have to admit, that more and more I have been appreciating the convenience of the Kindle and wish I could get this book in a Kindle version. However, it is a slightly rare book and I had to buy it from America directly.

It was written pre-war and is about the poor nutrition of local people when they stop eating their traditional foods and begin eating a typical "Western" diet. Dr. Price never came to Japan, but I am sure exactly the same thing has happened here.

It is VERY, VERY depressing to read this book. The doctor wanted everyone to understand that processed foods are not good, and to eat natural foods - and his message is from 70 years ago. He would be so shocked if he could see what people are eating now, and how terrible modern human's health is. Many of the diseases he studied are now worse, and there are even more new sicknesses caused by poor eating.

If you are interested in health, nutrition and the changing world, please try to get this book.

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