Tuesday, April 05, 2011

Sakura season, again.

It is almost the start of the cherry blossom season in Tsukuba, but almost the END of the sakura flavored sweets season. (Soon it will change to Boys' Day sweets, such as Kashiwa-mochi).

Here are some sakura things that I enjoyed in early March:

Tea from Lupicia. Black/green/hoji tea with sakura, a sample pack of 2 of each kind. The hoji tea was not so nice, so I don't recommend it.

 'Roll your own' sakura mochi!!! Cherry leaves, red beans and regular rice :)  It might be really, really strange, but it tastes great! You should try it.

Hagendaaz vanilla ice-cream mixed with chopped cherry leaf. Why don't they make sakura ice-cream?

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