Tuesday, June 07, 2011

Vocabulary - temperature

These days the temperature is fluctuating very much. Here are some words you can use:

  1. freezing
  2. cold
  3. chilly
  4. cool
  5. warm
  6. hot
  7. boiling
  8. scorching

1. freezing
Casual English - this word is used in casual English when we want to say it is very, very cold.
"Ahh, today is freezing!"

2. cold
Cold is usually a negative meaning, that is, the temperature is cold and we don't like it.

3. chilly
Chilly is also negative. We use it when the temperature is too low for us, but it is not "cold".

4. cool
Cool seems positive, but if it is in autumn, then maybe it is slightly negative. In summer it is positive.

5. warm
Similar to cool, warm is usually positive.

6. hot
For weather, most people use hot as a negative meaning.

7. boiling
Casual English - this is used when we want to say it is very, very hot.

8. scorching
Casual English - this is the same as "boiling" but "scorching" means the heat is dry.
"I went to Las Vegas and the weather was scorching."

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